Apie 5-10 minučių prieš seksą, iš 20cm atstumo apipurkškite penį “Wait” . Leiskite įsigerti į odą. Jei norite išlikti konfidencialus, po kelių minučių nusiplaukite rankas ir penį. eksperimentuokite ir atraskite, kas jums veiksmingiausia. Galite purkšti 1 ar 2 papurškimus. Kiekvienas yra individualus.
Vanduo, propilenglikolis, alkoholis, Acmella Oleracea ekstraktas, mentolis, kvepalai, etilmentano karboksamidas, eugenijos kariofilų pumpurų aliejus, eugenolis
Sukurta iš 99,09% natūralios kilmės ingredientų 🌿 pagal ISO 16128, išskyrus vandenį.
With me, we can play overtime! I will help you maintain a firm erection without reaching ejaculation too soon. I delay your pleasure so that you can spend more time “cuddling” between the sheets without having to worry about finishing too fast. Let’s go!
Why am I worth it?
● I delay ejaculation.
● I stimulate the penis’s sensory receptors, allowing the practice of “edging” (alternating pleasure and orgasms).
● I cause a wave of hot and cold sensations.
● I am small, cute, and discreet. I slip easily into your pocket.
● I do not forget the pleasure of your partner, which is also prolonged.
For your first try, we recommend that you apply the product 5 to 10 minutes before penetration. Spray once or twice on the penis glans and shaft at a distance of about 20 centimetres. Let the product absorb, then, if you want to go incognito, wash your hands and penis with clean water.
The product is intended for approximately 20 uses. The number of sprays will depend on your sensitivity. Go ahead and experiment in order to see what works best for you.